Password Pusher
Go Ahead. Email Another Password.


Password Pusher is an application to communicate passwords over the web. Links to passwords expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed.

Hosted at or you can run your own private instance wherever you like.

The source code is on Github. It’s opensource and free for anyone to use, review or modify.

The Author

My name is Peter Giacomo Lombardo. You can find me on LinkedIn, Github or The OxOO.

For updates, you can follow me on Twitter or on Github.


Password Pusher has had a great community of contributors over the years. Take a look.

Help Translate!

We would love to add more languages but we need fluent speakers to validate translations.

If you would like to improve an existing language or add a new one please read this page.

Want to Help Out in Another Way?

By far the biggest help is to spread the word: Share and suggest Password Pusher to colleagues and friends. If you are giving a presentation or writing a blog post, feel free to contact me for any questions.

You can also:

  1. Follow Password Pusher on Facebook, Twitter or Github and star the Github project.
  2. Code fixes, documentation and 3rd party integrations are always welcome on Github.
  3. Help translating a current or new language for the site.

Thank you for supporting Password Pusher!

Upcoming Birthday
Coming up on 10 Years

The first git commit to Password Pusher was on December 28, 2011. went live shortly thereafter.

Password Pusher Logo
The Original Theme

The original site design consisted of a dark background with a bold yellow font.

Follow for news, changes & updates.